The Sustainability of the Yazd

Yazd is one of the most important cities of Iran. Yazd is known as a very sustainable and beautiful city in iran.


Yazd is placed in dissertation part of Iran, and has a very dry and warm environment.

Sabat is an structural element which has multiple functions; one of them is about cooling down the temperature of pedestrians and another one is about structural function that makes the whole city be connected.

From static point of view, it made a very giant and stable structure which could have strength against natural hazards like earthquakes and …

Sabat in Yazd

The flow of wind causes the flow of life

Due to the location of the city of Yazd in the desert part of Iran, the temperature can reach 50 degrees Celsius in the summer, which disrupts the flow of life and daily activities.

The history of Yazd city dates back to several hundred years ago and the lack of electricity has not been an obstacle to life, but has forced the residents to be creative and observe natural phenomena more closely, as if there is an answer to every phenomenon in nature.

Finding the path of the wind and bringing it into the wind deflectors and then into the house has been one of the most important inventions of the ancient Iranians. The difference in the type of wind during the day and night and the difference in wind deflector performance has been one of their most unique observations. Still, the windcatcher of Yazd city are efficient and make life possible for the residents in a very sustainable way.

Windcatcher in Yazd


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