Author: v.gozin

  • تدبیر کند بنده و تقدیر نداند تمام خواستن‌ها، تمام نقشه کشیدن‌ها وقتی فنا و نبودن در این دنیای سست و بدون هیچ قطعیتی، تنها قطعیت هست؛ باعث میشه سرعت زندگی دائم بیشتر بشه. رسیدن؟ به چی؟ شاید کاویدن و به درون رفتن تنها رفتن و رسیدن قابل تامل باشه.

  • Every day vacation

    You know what?! This is not a vacation or leisure trip that will make you relax and get lost in art or nature for a few days. I deeply believe that this feeling can be experienced on a daily basis, the feeling of liberation and seeing the surroundings even on the busiest working day in…

  • shiraz


    it could one of the most lovable city in the planet.

  • The Sustainability of the Yazd

    The Sustainability of the Yazd

    Yazd is one of the most important cities of Iran. Yazd is known as a very sustainable and beautiful city in iran. Sabat Yazd is placed in dissertation part of Iran, and has a very dry and warm environment. Sabat is an structural element which has multiple functions; one of them is about cooling down…